Importance of Indigenous Breeds of Chicken for Rural Economy
Indigenous breeds of chicken are a source of subsidiary income and a nutrient-rich diet in parts of rural India. Chicken eggs and meat can be used for their own consumption while farming yields them a subsidiary understands the significance of native breeds in the rural setting and lists various indigenous breeds on their platform to benefit poultry farmers.
Genetic modifications to a native fowl can be done via selection and cross-breeding to improve its production performance. The process of selection is time-consuming yet lasting. Improvement in the breed through cross-breeding might be faster but the aim has always been to improve the production of native birds who show higher potential and all efforts are directed toward discussing the importance of native fowl to the rural economies.
Chickens in rural economies are a major source of animal protein and subsidiary income. The egg and meat supply is enough to balance their family’s diet. Poultry reared in the backyard can help diversify income, provide proteins and fertilizers and most importantly, act as a source of household savings. Additionally, they also play a significant part in the socio-cultural life of the rural community. This is often driven by the religious belief system of the rural communities. Backyard poultry contributes heavily to the upliftment of the livelihoods of women in the rural areas as well. Rural women have overcome poverty, malnutrition and gender disparity by keeping backyard poultry birds and rearing them for meat, eggs and savings.
Native chickens are hardy. They are able to survive harsh environmental conditions and in some cases, even poor farming practices. Chickens are able to tolerate climate, handling, watering, and feeding issues without letting them affect production. Native chickens are immune to commonly occurring diseases. Their rich germoplasm can help enhance tropical adaptability and disease resistance.
Even though the production performance of these native birds is low, it may be enhanced with improved husbandry practices, better healthcare and supplementary feeds during lean seasons.
Anyone looking to rear these hardy indigenous birds in their farm or backyards can find what they’re looking for at This platform is dedicated to providing Aquaculture, Animal Husbandry, and Poultry for farmers to increase their incomes and uplift them with the help of a variety of farmer engagement methods.