Why to start commercial Goat farming? — AQAI
Rearing goats have been part of traditional farming as goats are profitable means of milk, meat and leather. In India, especially, goat farming is seeing a rise in popularity today, due to the numerous health benefits, a new lifestyle dependent on meat and an increased purchasing power for leather goods.
Besides, goats are important part of rural economy, particularly in the arid, semi-arid and mountainous regions of the country. With more than 124 million population, goats account for more than 25 per cent of the total livestock in the country and contribute Rs 1,06,335 million annually to the national economy. They provide food and nutritional security to the millions of marginal and small farmers and agricultural labourers.
Farmers, with access to technical knowledge, resources and market, help in realize the potential of goat enterprise. A majority of commercial goat farms have been found operating with positive net returns and comes with a host of advantages as outlined below:
1. Profits
It is a business venture in which one can be sure to get good returns and profits. The demand for goat and sheep meats has swiftly increased and the domestic market price for chevon/mutton has risen from Rs 60 per kg to Rs 130–160 per kg over a decade. Moreover, huge expected increase in the demand for meat in developing countries (by 100%), especially in the East and South East Asia in the next 20 years presents an excellent opportunity for enhancing export of live goat/sheep and their meat from India.
2. Capital
The financial investment needed in this is relatively much smaller compared to other business ventures. One can venture in a small way by buying some goats and make good profits within one or two years with meticulous planning. The area and shelters needed for goats are lesser than other animals used for livestock.
3. Growth Rate
Since goats produce young several times a year, their numbers increase rapidly to a sizable number even with the initial numbers being small. This, in turn, leads to fast growth in business revenue.
4. Maintenance
Rearing goats is very easy, inexpensive and the costs incurred for maintaining the flock are also quite small.
5. Labour Cost
The labour expenses for rearing goats is very less, hence it can be started even by unemployed youth and ex-servicemen.
6. Government Help
The central and state governments are helping by arranging suitable training and other help needed or taking up goat farming ventures.
7. Investment
Almost all cooperative, nationalized and multinational banks are ready to give loans to start this business with minimum terms and condition and low rate of interest.
8. Risk
The dangers of goats contracting diseases and costs of medical treatment are very less than other livestock businesses. Hence it is a very safe and trouble-free investment.
Originally published at https://www.aqai.in.